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What is the difference between saying sorry and repentance

What is the difference between saying sorry and repentance

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 10th Sep 2019

Saying we are sorry can mean a lot of things. The greatest evidence we are not seeking truth or truly repenting is when we look in the eyes of truth and make more excuses. True repentance is wrecked b … read more
How do we accept Gods forgiveness

How do we accept Gods forgiveness

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

I used to fight to forgive myself, but then I thought about how I feel about the person that hurt me forgiving themselves, and nothing about that made sense. The truth is, we have no power to forgive … read more
What patience doesn’t do

What patience doesn’t do

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

Patience is a willingness to trust God’s Word and to trust that love never fails. It’s having the courage to stand on the truth despite everything we see. It is not pretending everything is ok like it … read more