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How does hurt reveal if love is growing or dying?

How does hurt reveal if love is growing or dying?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 23rd Aug 2019

Hurt requires sacrifice. I do my best to explain how this works in “The Right Fight” with real life examples and visual illustrations. This truth has helped me get in....the fight to live a loving life. If you hurt me, I have no choice but to either love (absorb the hurt) or fear (make you pay the price for the hurt). If I make you pay the price and I don’t forgive, we both lose. If however, I absorb the hurt, I now have an opportunity to speak truth into your life. I can tell you I forgive you, but I never want you to do that again because that’s not what love does, and it’s not best for you. Then the ball is in your court. If you’re extremely grateful and really willing to fight to change, then Love grows. If you’re selfish and take advantage of the sacrifice, then love begins to die. Loving when we are loved cost us nothing and reveals nothing. It’s just an even exchange. I don’t think it’s even love. Loving will always cost us something, but never more than not loving will cost us. When someone hurts you, they give you an opportunity to speak truth into their life, but only if you forgive them. What they do with that truth is up to them and tells you what rules their life. If fear rules their life and they take advantage of love, then you’re no longer loving them if you enable them to continue to do so. Hope this makes sense. Chew on it. Love requires courage and sacrifice, but you could never defend yourself better than loving will defend you. God is love. 1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God.”