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How to lead your children to a strong life

How to lead your children to a strong life

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 11th Sep 2019

We must first understand our children are new to this life. They really don’t know how to sort out their feelings with what is right. We shouldn’t tolerate their selfishness but we also need to understand they really don’t know the truth yet. We need to take the time to explain to them how to put themselves in the other persons shoes. We must teach them how to love others as if they were them. If we take the time to help them understand that we want them to live a selfless life for their own sake then it will make sense to them. When we help our children understand why we enforce the consequences of their selfishness then they will feel loved instead of judged. When a child knows they are loved and that what you do is because you believe it’s best for them they learn to live a strong life. Proverbs 27:5 Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Proverbs 29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.