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Is Love Always Nice?

Is Love Always Nice?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 21st Apr 2023

Love is always kind, but it’s not always nice. Love is all of me for you. Love does what’s best for others without regard for itself. If I know someone who is consistently living a selfish life, or is consistently hurting other people--it may not seem nice to tell them they need to change, but telling them sure is kind. With our own children, whenever they do selfish things or are developing a selfish behavior, it may not seem nice to put them in time-out or give them repercussions for their selfish behavior. But it sure is kind. Love is always kind, but it is not always nice. Ephesians 4:20-25 That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. Trust God’s Word no matter what. Keep your eyes on the horizon. NEW: Check out my podcast now airing on Google, Spotify and Apple podcast platforms under the name "The Right Fight.” If you haven’t, yet--read my book, “The Right Fight: How To Live a Loving Life.” I spent seven years writing it. It will change your life. Order the book on Amazon and at