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​How Do You Become What You Hate?

​How Do You Become What You Hate?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

This question is important. I am seeing this happen everywhere – people becoming what they hate.How do you become what you hate?No one thinks they’re going to become what they hate, and they very seld … read more
​How Do You Love Someone Who Abuses You?

​How Do You Love Someone Who Abuses You?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

My first thought is to give them a fist in the face – that’s the old Kenny reacting; but Jesus says turn the other cheek.So how do you sort that out?I’ve struggled with this for a long time, but love … read more
​How Do You Change People?

​How Do You Change People?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

How Do You Change People?We can’t really change anyone, but Jesus can, and sometimes he lets us be a part of that change.There’s only one way to change people: that’s from the inside out.You’ve got t … read more
​Should You Do What Feels Right?

​Should You Do What Feels Right?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

Should You Do What Feels Right?This truth will change your life: should you do what you feel is right?God didn’t give you feelings so you would follow them. My feelings could care less what is right. … read more