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The Common Mistake We Make When We Try to Heal or Succeed

The Common Mistake We Make When We Try to Heal or Succeed

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Apr 2023

The Common Mistake We Make When We Try to Heal or Succeed I’ll share with you two examples in my life of one common mistake we all make when we are trying to heal or succeed at something. That common mistake is that we don’t make a long steady push in the same direction. We push in the right direction but not long enough. We push for a while and we get tired when we don’t see any results; and we think we are pushing the wrong way, so we change directions when we shouldn’t have. Many years ago, I won a US National Ski-Jumping Championship. As a young man, that was my dream for 15 years. But I won it only after I found the right direction, relentlessly worked, day after day, week after week, month after month to move down the path toward the Gold Medal. The right path was to go back to the basics, back to the fundamentals, and I kept doing that, even though, over time, it still seemed like nothing was making a difference. Still I persisted in that same direction, relentlessly relearning and perfecting fundamentals. That relentless persistence helped me master the fundamentals so my dream could come true. Another example: Twenty years ago, I overcame depression. But it was only after I relentlessly focused on God’s Word—day after day, week after week, month after month—relentlessly fighting the same fight with none of it seeming to make any difference at all in my life. But then one day it made a small difference. After a while I saw another small difference; and after a number of small differences, I began to feel a bigger difference, and then another…until I moved, finally, out from under the depression. Do everything you can to make sure you are on the right path. Then be relentless on that path--especially if you are fighting depression. You didn’t get in to depression overnight. It took quite a while to get you there and it will take you quite a while to get out of it. But you can. Remember to get in the right fight. Be relentless in your pursuit to live a loving life. And you can find your way. Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Trust God’s Word no matter what. Keep your eyes on the horizon. If you haven’t yet, read my book, “The Right Fight: How To Live a Loving Life.” I spent seven years writing it. It will change your life. Order the book on Amazon and at