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The Word Used Most Often to Escape Accountability--

The Word Used Most Often to Escape Accountability--

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 12th Mar 2024


The word is trust. We say we trust our children because we don’t want to do the homework, we don’t want to follow up on them to make sure they are not doing things that will harm them, or, even destroy their lives. If we find out that they are involved in these things, we say we trusted them.

But if we love them, we would have also sought the truth. So, we trust, but we trust the truth.

Love isn’t just trust. Love is also truth.

We say we trust our pastor because we don’t want to go through the hard work ourselves of studying the word to find out who God really is and if what we are being taught is the truth.

So, be careful how you use the word trust.

Trust God’s Word no matter what, because His word is truth.

Keep your eyes on the horizon.

If this doesn’t make sense, read my book, “The Right Fight: How To Live a Loving Life.”I spent seven years writing it. It will change your life. Order the book on Amazon and at .

And catch “The Right Fight” podcast now available on Google, Spotify and Apple podcast platforms under the name "The Right Fight.”