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Why should we never fear God's will?

Why should we never fear God's will?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

I have come to the point in my life where if something won’t cost me anything, I’m afraid of it. Afraid, because I have learned love always cost me something, but never more than not loving cost me. I have also learned love normally cost us now and pays us later. Fear always wants me to take the free ride, so it can suck the life out of me later. God’s will for your life will cost you, and it will cost you now, but it’s the best possible thing that can ever happen to you. Fear wants us to try to fill ourselves from the outside in. It’s me without regard for you. Love is you without regard for me, and fills us from the inside out. 1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”