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The Greatest Gift - Love

The Greatest Gift - Love

Posted by David Dodd on 25th May 2020

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." John 15:13On Memorial Day, we honor those who demonstrated the greatest love, " lay down one’s life for one’s frien … read more
Strong Fathers - Soft Hearts

Strong Fathers - Soft Hearts

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 25th May 2020

Strong Fathers Show Soft Hearts“‘No more ice-cream runs,’ I said to the kids. I was not trying to be mean, but it was really the only responsible thing to do.“My three kids—Faith, Grace, and Kennedy—w … read more
Help The Fatherless Learn How To Navigate Life

Help The Fatherless Learn How To Navigate Life

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 25th May 2020

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit … read more
It’s A Time to Live Inside Out

It’s A Time to Live Inside Out

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th May 2020

Excerpts from “The Right Fight: How to Live a Loving Life” by John Kennedy Vaughan“I think it is vital that we all understand love and live it, because the opposite of love is fear, which leads to se … read more
Fathers, Fear and Fighting the Right Fight

Fathers, Fear and Fighting the Right Fight

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 18th May 2020

Excerpts from “The Right Fight: How to Live a Loving Life” by John Kennedy VaughanMy Father Taught Me: Respect the Threat; But Do Not Fear -- so I am passing this on from him to me, to my children; … read more