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Depression: How I Found my Way Out, 19 Years Ago

Depression: How I Found my Way Out, 19 Years Ago

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 16th Aug 2020

I wanted to share this because, with all that’s going on around us right now, I am hearing that record numbers of people are struggling with depression.I’ve got to tell you, I thought never in a milli … read more
​How Do You Put Something in God’s Hands?

​How Do You Put Something in God’s Hands?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Aug 2020

The way I used to think I was putting something in God’s hands, was by coming to a point that I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t know what to do anymore. I would give up and say, Lord I am just goin … read more

The Cross in the Sky

Posted by Blake Bradley on 10th Sep 2015

       The Cross In The Sky   Constantine The Great  Rome's First Christian Emperor            &nbs … read more
You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

Posted by Grace Dodd on 13th Feb 2015

          Shields of Strength supports Feeding Tube Awareness Week and those who suffer with gastrointestinal disorders. Our lives have been touched by a very spe … read more