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Define Love

Define Love

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 15th Oct 2019

If we could only define one word it should be love, but sadly, it’s the one word few can define. “The Right Fight” was written to define love for my children and help them understand how to live it. E … read more
Why did Jesus say He didn’t come for the well but for the sick?

Why did Jesus say He didn’t come for the well but for the sick?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 10th Oct 2019

I don’t think Jesus was saying some are righteous and some are not. I think He was saying He has nothing to offer the self righteous, but for the honest who are willing to own their sin, He has healin … read more
What is your greatest opportunity?

What is your greatest opportunity?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Aug 2019

I wonder if loving someone who is loving us is even love at all. Maybe it’s just an even exchange. Doesn’t cost anyone anything. The most loved I have ever felt by @tammieavaughan are the times she ha … read more
How to process offense

How to process offense

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Aug 2019

Offense is a trap! It’s a trap that wants to lead us to a fear led life. When we feel offended, it should lead us to first look within ourself and then seek the truth. If we are easily offended then w … read more