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What to do in trouble

What to do in trouble

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 29th Oct 2019

We should not go around making mountains out of mole hills, but when real trouble comes love runs towards it, not away from it. Run to trouble and ask the most important question....Why? Somewhere in … read more
Should we forgive ourselves?

Should we forgive ourselves?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 29th Oct 2019

Just imagine the prodigal son coming home after wasting all his father’s wealth and saying...”Dad, I forgave myself. Would you go grab me your best jacket and slaughter a fat calf and help me celebrat … read more
What type of Church should I attend?

What type of Church should I attend?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 29th Oct 2019

Jesus is not a religion He is a Savior! Religion is manipulation. It's giving to get. Love gives expecting nothing in return. Jesus didn't go to the cross so we would love Him. He went because He love … read more
How To Wait On God

How To Wait On God

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 29th Oct 2019

God is never late or out of position. When we have no idea what to do next or what we should do next, we should stay where we are until we have clarity. That said, what we do while we wait is critical … read more
How to make sure you don’t Labor in vain

How to make sure you don’t Labor in vain

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 29th Oct 2019

Forever I struggled with this scripture....Matthew 7:22-23 ,”On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works … read more