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Should we fight fear?

Should we fight fear?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Sep 2019

Fear requires your help to hurt you. It’s bait is hurt and it’s greatest trap is self defense. Please don’t fight fear. It’s the wrong fight. It’s the fight for your fruit. The fight for your own dest … read more
7 Signs someone may love you #6

7 Signs someone may love you #6

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

It’s not loving to knowingly allow people with no intention of changing to keep running over you. That’s selfishness. Love does trust and seeks truth, and if people are truly repentant after failing, … read more
What does it mean to really trust God?

What does it mean to really trust God?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 19th Aug 2019

Trusting God is looking at your circumstances, looking at your fears, looking at God’s Word and deciding to trust what God says more than anything else. In the end, after looking at all options, we al … read more