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​How Can I Know if I’m Going in the Wrong Direction?

​How Can I Know if I’m Going in the Wrong Direction?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Jul 2020

One way to know you are going in the wrong direction is if everyone else is going the same direction.You know, the world is led by fear. We say: the world this, the world that. What is the world?The w … read more

How to trust God

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Jan 2020

Trusting God is not trusting that whatever happens is God’s will. What happens can be for a lot of reasons. God never said all things happen for a reason. He said all things work together for the good … read more
Should we trust our feelings?

Should we trust our feelings?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

I have learned never to just follow my feelings. If I wanted to wreck someone’s life, I would advise them to just do what they feel is right. That said, I never ignore my feelings either. I check them … read more
How to build trust in a relationship

How to build trust in a relationship

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

Truly faithful people are easy to trust. Maybe no one will ever be more faithful than someone who has truly repented for being unfaithful. The question then becomes, how do we know if someone has trul … read more
What does it mean to trust God?

What does it mean to trust God?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Sep 2019

Trusting God is not equal to just trusting everything will work out. It also doesn’t mean “all things happen for a reason.” All things do happen for a reason, but many times the reason is our selfishn … read more