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Why you don't have to know your purpose to find it

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Jan 2020

I often say the little things are the big things. Every decision we make from what seems little to what seems big is one more step towards or away from our purpose. The good news is we are never more … read more
How to know if you love someone or you just want them to love you

How to know if you love someone or you just want them to love you

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Jan 2020

Loving to be loved it not love at’s manipulation. Love requires sacrifice and a willingness to do what you believe is “truly” best for the other person. When we really love then the fruit of … read more
Have you read it?

Have you read it?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

If you have read “The Right Fight” and are willing to share a few sentences that may encourage someone else to read it please share them. We will pick a couple to put on the back cover of the book for … read more
How to know an expert when you see one

How to know an expert when you see one

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Oct 2019

It’s incredibly important that we depend on dependable people when we need help-and we all need help. When I’m looking for a true expert, I’m looking for someone who will ask me lots of questions and … read more
How to make sure you don’t Labor in vain

How to make sure you don’t Labor in vain

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 29th Oct 2019

Forever I struggled with this scripture....Matthew 7:22-23 ,”On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works … read more