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Do Black Lives Matter?

Do Black Lives Matter?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Jul 2020

This was way too important to me to throw up a black screen for a day.The truth is that each life matters to God, because he created each life -- but no one life matters more than another.We are all s … read more
​What about George Floyd?

​What about George Floyd?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Jul 2020

I am sure I am jumping into a blender on this, but no one is talking about the truth. No one is talking about the real problem.It’s easy for all of us to see clearly—any sensible person knows that hi … read more
Racism, Injustice, Violence - Solution is JESUS

Racism, Injustice, Violence - Solution is JESUS

Posted by Caleb Parke on 28th Jun 2020

Point 27 Honors Police, Families of Fallen Officers with Bible Verse Dog Tags  By Caleb Parke A faith-based organization that honors fallen heroes is pushing back against the anti-polic … read more
What To Do When You're Angry

What To Do When You're Angry

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 9th Oct 2018

Anger and all sin are most often our enemy. I do believe there is a righteous anger, but it’s rare. Righteous anger is anger for the damage sin causes, or an anger for someone using love to hurt peopl … read more

Three Differences Between Love and Fear

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Oct 2018

If we hate people, we are allowing fear to rule our lives. The only thing we should hate is sin because sin and selfishness destroys lives. Love and selflessness saves lives and builds them. Jesus is … read more