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One sign a man loves his wife

One sign a man loves his wife

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 12th Aug 2019

Wives should not depend on their husbands for their peace and joy. Only Jesus can provide that, but a loving husband can sure make it a heck of a lot easier for a wife to live in joy and peace. Loving … read more
What is the worst part of not being loved as a child

What is the worst part of not being loved as a child

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 8th Aug 2019

We must first understand our children are new to this life. They really don’t know how to sort out their feelings with what is right. We shouldn’t tolerate their selfishness but we also need to unders … read more
Knowing The Difference Between Your Feelings And The Holy Spirit

Knowing The Difference Between Your Feelings And The Holy Spirit

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 9th Jan 2019

I have and so often see people saying they are doing things in the name of God when in reality, it’s the opposite of what God would have me or them do. It’s also far too common to give Satan credit … read more
One Thing Love Can't Live Without

One Thing Love Can't Live Without

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 8th Jan 2019

Gratefulness is a choice. If we are not grateful for little, we won’t be grateful for much either. My wife @tammieavaughan is one of the most grateful people I have ever met. When we were dating, n … read more
How To Move On?

How To Move On?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 8th Jan 2019

Grieving is important. Moving on too fast can be just as damaging as not moving on at all. There is a grieving process, and the time it takes to move on will depend on how much we lost. Moving on d … read more