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Does church get us to Heaven?

Does church get us to Heaven?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

If you want the power of God in your life, then fight to live a loving life. Below are a few scriptures that lead to everything I say on Instagram. We must know what love really is! It’s not a feeling … read more
What was the most powerful decision I ever made?

What was the most powerful decision I ever made?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

The greatest miracle ever is the miracle of salvation! It’s the free gift of God, lest no one boast. We can’t earn our salvation. If we could be holy enough on our own.....Jesus wouldn’t have gone to … read more
7 Signs someone may love you #2

7 Signs someone may love you #2

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

The second sign someone may love you is that they will be kind. Love is kind, but kind is not always nice. Kindness never wants to hurt you, but more than kindness doesn’t want to hurt you, it wants w … read more

Why do people bully?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 20th Aug 2019

Bullying as we all know is an attempt to manipulate other people. It’s an effort by people to get what the bully wants without regard for other people. A bully is someone who either willingly rejects … read more