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The one thing that lies to you more than anything else

The one thing that lies to you more than anything else

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Sep 2019

The whole idea that we should do what we feel is right or go where our emotions lead us is a lie told to destroy us. It’s a lie told so fear can use you for what it wants with no regard for what it wi … read more
How to respond to criticism

How to respond to criticism

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

When I became totally convinced that the truth was best for me and those I loved the most....then criticism became my best friend. It still hurts my feelings, and maybe it always will. I must say thou … read more
How to remain calm

How to remain calm

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Sep 2019

We don’t have a chance to practice remaining calm until we are anxious. These are moments where opportunities present themselves to practice remaining calm. We must be quick to cast down imaginations … read more