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​One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using You

​One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using You

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 24th Jul 2020

One Way to Know Someone Is Not Loving You, But Using YouThis is one way to know that someone is using you -- not loving you.This isn’t the only way to know but it is a major red flag.If someone i … read more
Is self care selfish?

Is self care selfish?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

If we risk our life to rescue someone so we can be a hero, it’s selfish. If we risk our life so someone else may live, it’s love. If we demand our children respect us so we can be respected, it’s self … read more
How to love selfish people

How to love selfish people

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 14th Oct 2019

We shouldn’t be in the business of policing everyone else’s decisions. The Bible tells us to get the log out of our own eye before we try to help someone remove the splinter from their eye. That said, … read more
why self hate and self love are equally selfish

why self hate and self love are equally selfish

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 26th Sep 2019

Both self hate and self love require a focus on “SELF.” The idea that self love is the answer to self hate is a lie. It’s a trap! A trap that leads to self destruction. The problem is....SELF....which … read more