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How to respond to hurt

How to respond to hurt

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

I get hurt and you get hurt. Some of us get hurt far worse than others. Being hurt though says nothing about us. How we respond to hurt says much about us. Please realize, that people hurting you says … read more
What to do if you love someone who doesn’t love you

What to do if you love someone who doesn’t love you

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 5th Sep 2019

Loving someone who won’t love us is always painful. Actually, anyone not loving us is painful. We can pretend we don’t care, but that is just a fearful response to the fact we do care. Whatever you do … read more
How to remain calm

How to remain calm

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Sep 2019

We don’t have a chance to practice remaining calm until we are anxious. These are moments where opportunities present themselves to practice remaining calm. We must be quick to cast down imaginations … read more
What does it mean to settle for someone?

What does it mean to settle for someone?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Sep 2019

If we settle for someone it’s not their fault it’s our fault. This does not mean we are responsible for their selfishness, just that we are responsible for our involvement in their selfishness. This i … read more
What brings life and what brings death?

What brings life and what brings death?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 3rd Sep 2019

The truth is never hard to find, but it takes a lot of courage to be willing to look for it. It is always simple and easy to understand, so long as we are willing to set aside our own feelings. It’s f … read more