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What is the measure of a man?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 30th Jan 2020

The measure of a man is found in “why” he does what he does. Same with women. I wrote about this extensively in The Right Fight. Available on amazon and at 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 … read more
Giving to get isn’t giving it’s taking

Giving to get isn’t giving it’s taking

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

I talk about this extensively in “The Right Fight-How to Live a Loving Life.” If you haven’t read the book, please do. I personally struggle with this issue, because even when I check my own heart, I … read more
Have you read it?

Have you read it?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

If you have read “The Right Fight” and are willing to share a few sentences that may encourage someone else to read it please share them. We will pick a couple to put on the back cover of the book for … read more
Should we trust our feelings?

Should we trust our feelings?

Posted by Kenny Vaughan on 4th Nov 2019

I have learned never to just follow my feelings. If I wanted to wreck someone’s life, I would advise them to just do what they feel is right. That said, I never ignore my feelings either. I check them … read more